Sunday, March 13, 2022


Dearest Will,

There are so many what-ifs and things I wish I had or hadn’t done or said but today is all about focusing on the positive things that I remember about you.

You were one of my biggest supporters.

Anytime I would post a reel or live video, you would tell me how it inspired you to do things out of your comfort zone. 

You always understood when I had time set aside for my business and were always so patient with that and even encouraged me to do more, work more, and hustle harder.

When I had a rough day, you would be the first one who would offer to drop everything and be there for me. 

You held my hair as I vomited then made me toast to eat even when you were sick too.

You always apologized when you were in the wrong and always strived to make amends as soon as possible. 

You were never too busy for me.

A time I will never forget is when you cried on my shoulder about life, the things you regret or wish you had done differently - you were always transparent with me from the very first day we met but it wasn’t often that you broke down completely because you were always so busy fighting to help others through their pain.

One of my favorite memories is when you came over to meet a friend of mine and as soon as you walked in the door, you held up a bag of cookies and proudly announced, very loudly, “I brought cookies!!” only to continue with, “but they’re mine…I didn’t bring them to share.” We laughed so hard. 

You had so many of your own demons but always prioritized fighting other people’s demons before your own because you hated to see others in pain. In the end, you lost your battle with mental illness and addiction but you put up one hell of a fight. 

When I bring out the trash, walk to my car, leave or come home from work, or even walk to my mailbox, you are the very first thing I think about. 

I sure do miss you living next door, that you were only a minute walk away, and always being there for me. I wish I could have been there for you like you needed in the end as well.

I am so sorry as you were so young, had so much already going for you, and you made such an impact on people within only moments of meeting them, and always wanted more for your life and others. 

I am also so grateful because you are in a much happier place and I will see you again. 

You knew how to make each moment count and told me you loved me before you passed away - I missed my chance to tell you this in person for you to hear but I love you too. I really do.


The Girl Next Door (literally)

If you are struggling with addiction, depression, or suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me. I am here for you and so many others are too. For the Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Heaven’s Angel

I don’t know where to begin but to say that today is a reminder of extreme loss. Today carries heavy pain, tears, and remembrance. 
Only a year ago today, heaven gained another angel. Not just any angel but MY angel. Our angel.

Today you would be about 4 months old. We can only imagine your beautiful face, your contagious laughter, the twinkle in your eye, and the smile you carry. We even imagine your tears, your attitude, and screeches of demand as like any baby. It’s all so precious and daddy and I wish you were here to share those moments with us.

I remember my last day with you. I sensed an irrational fear that Im sure because you felt my fear but dad told me that everything was going to be okay. You gave off a sense of urgency and longing for my attention. I heard you baby girl and I know you heard me as I laid my hand on your body and told you how much I loved you. I told you that everything is gonna be okay. And that no matter what, I will love you the best that I can and for as long as I can. 
I felt you calming down as I also felt and overwhelming sense of peace. Turns out we needed it because the very next morning, my worst fear came true as we woke up to find you gone. Without a warning or sign and without the ability and time to say our goodbyes. I cannot begin to explain how empty Dad and I felt and still feel to this day. 

If love could have saved you, you would have been in our arms forever. 

We cannot even begin to express how much we love you and how much it hurts that we had to let you go but we just want you to know, Baby Girl, 
If heaven had a telephone line, we would call you everyday. If heaven had a mail man, we would write you everyday. And, if heaven had a doorway between here and there, we would be with you every waking moment. We would wipe your tears when you’re hurt and cuddle you until you feel better. We would tuck you in every night, kiss you, and tell you how much we love you. 
My brain is filled with all the “what ifs” that comes along with the thought of wishing you were still here in our arms. 
The only thing that brings comfort to my soul is that you are in a better place than anyone, including dad and I both, could ever provide for you here on this earth and you have got the best provider anyone could ever ask for too!

Precious one, so small and so sweet, dancing on Angel's feet, straight from Heaven's most brightest star, what a miracle you truly are.
One day, I looked forward to joining your dance. But, until then, not one day goes by that I don’t think of you. 

We love you so much baby girl. 

- Mommy and Daddy

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I'm always asking why this world had to lose such a ray of light we never knew.

It's not my place to question, only God knows why. God must need another angel around the throne tonight.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Something Real

Your smile drew me in before I could blink.
You held my hand when I was scared.
You were patient, oh, so patient.
You didn’t wipe my tears, instead you cried too.
You were my best friend and soon you told me I was your future.

Because of you, I have hope a real man exists. Because of you, I realize how much I am worth. 
Because of you, I smile. 
Because of you, I thank God for us.

You take my hand and barrel roll as my dress twirls all night. 
Your smile and my smile is more than any happiness I’ve ever seen.
We try to do our best as God leads.
You shower me with kisses, we share our daily devotion notes, your smile brightens the room, and your jokes hurt my stomach as we laugh with no end.

It’s now the first day of Fall we had planned to spend together but you arrived completely distanced and different. 
You asked why I was crying. You told me You weren’t going anywhere but deep down I knew something had changed. That’s the day I knew it was all ending.
Only a week later those feelings became reality.
No explanation, no reason, no logic. Just done.

You were there, then you weren’t. You needed me, then you didn’t. You loved me, then not so much.

No time went by as your name became non-existent on social media and pictures of you and me became just a black screen.

Months later you came back around. You leaned your head on my shoulder, your coat covered me when I was cold, and you hugged me so tight as if you regretted ever letting me go. You told me you missed me and you’re so glad I’m by your side again.

Then it all happened again. You distance yourself and don’t reply as if you never cared about me.

Because of you, I’m skeptical of love. Because of you, my trust is broken. Because of you, it will take more than time itself to heal. Because of you, I doubt what Real is. 

Is Real something that lasts now and forever, or just for a while?

Don’t string me along. Don’t hurt me any longer. Your doings have hurt me more than any man on this earth. 

I hope you understand I just need to get these things off my aching chest. I’m letting go because I deserve more than to just sit and wait for this to come back. I deserve more than to continue sitting here in my tears and pain.  I’m upset that you ruined me. You treated me better than any man has ever treated me yet hurt me more than any person ever has. How can that be? 

I hope and plead to my God that these are my last tears over you. 

If I could say one thing to you, only one thing, I want you to know that all I ever want is an apology. A sincere apology for the tears you caused, the confusion for stringing me along, and for ever getting close to me when that isn’t what you were ready for, nor what you wanted. In the same breath, I will thank you for treating me well while you had me. I sincerely hope you find who you are as a person and can treat your next girl even better than you treated me but, also, unlike you did with me, never let her go because she deserves someone real forever, not just for a short time.

To sums this up, I’m going to end with a couple songs that, I admit, I have listened to on repeat for hours on end as it has allowed me relate my feelings, my confusion, my hurt, and everything else this heart of mine has yearned to express.

The Girl Next Door

Jesus. This is all yours now. This pain, this confusion, these memories (good and bad), all of it is yours. Please do miracles and healing and work through me as I continue to move on. Amen.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

An Open Letter to My Ex-Boyfriend

Thanks to you, my ex, I now know what true love is. Not because you showed me but rather because you showed me exactly what it is not.

When my heart longed to be loved, you told me you were too busy. 
When I needed a hug, you shoved me away to finish your video game. 
When I needed to hear that someone loved me, you merely muttered the words with no meaning.
When I told you how my feelings hurt inside, you mocked me and laughed.  
When I smiled, you told me I was too happy.
When I giggled, you told me to be quiet.
When I told you you were everything to me, you took it as permission to control my every action.
When I needed encouragement, you told me I was fat and needed to go to the gym. 
When I wanted to say no, you brought me flowers and wrote me a cute note to convince me to say the opposite.
When I thought the words "you're beautiful" coming out of your mouth were from your heart, it was lustful.
When you invited me out, it's because you're other plans were canceled. 
You told me I was the only one in your life, but you had someone else of interest, and, in one instance, a fiance.
You told me you loved me when you don't even know what love is yourself. 
When you told me to have a goodnight, I fell asleep in tears.
When you hugged me, you didn't realize I was I crying on your shoulder because you caused my heart pain.
When my father was on his death bed and I needed your support, you told me you had no time of day for us. 
When I asked you to be honest, you wouldn’t tell me what bothered you until we were 5 months in. Then, at that point, it was all complaint and no action or want to fix it. 
When you told me not to worry about her,  I found out myself that she was receiving  the “hey beautiful” messages I never got. 
You used me to take care of your daughter who called me mom because it was “convenient”. 
And, ultimately, when I gave you my heart, you ripped it apart.
Then, when I finally gained the strength to break up with you, you told me no other guy was ever going to love me because I was not lovable in my circumstance.
When I said, "God Bless", you cursed me and told me God is dead and to go to hell.
When I told you that we were never good for each other, you said "Whatever you say". You are so blinded you can't even tell truth apart from the lies that you are living.

You are manipulative selfish, conceited, controlling, lustful, and everything opposite of what you told me you were. 
And these are just a few instances how you showed me exactly what love is not.

I had to find out the hard way, the decisions I made from day one of talking to you were a mistake but it doesn't stop here on a bad note because you were a lesson, a reason, and a plan.

And what reason, plan, and lesson am I talking about?
Because I went through those things with you, I now know what actual love is. It's not a feeling but rather everything opposite. It is a CHOICE. 
My grandpa has always told me that you make decisions first than the feelings comes afterwards but never the other way around. If it is the other way around, you need to run and run as far away from it as you can.

In saying all this, though it may sound like it, I am NOT the victim. Why? Because I chose each day to involve myself with you. I could have run from day one but I didn't. I did in the end, but everyday leading up to that, I put myself through much more pain than I really needed to. 

I don't regret you simply because I learned things I probably wouldn't know if it weren't with you at some point. But, with that being said, I wish I could have learned those lessons without you ever having to be in my life. 
You were never good for me and I probably still wouldn't be over you, to this day, if it weren't for Jesus. 
Jesus has mended my heart, tied my soul back together, and kissed my wounds. He has performed a miracle on my heart and in my life.
Thank God for taking a bad situation and teaching me a lesson and using it to positively influence my life today.

Now, I have found God and, in doing so, I have also found happiness, and I have found true love. 
I hope that one day, you can find the same and that you allow God to make the necessary changes in your heart in order for you to find him, to find love, and to find true happiness.

 My Ex-Boyfriend, you all know you who are, I want you to know that I no longer think of you romantically,  I have no desire to be around you, and no longer want to have anything to do with you. If and when I do think about you, the only thing I can bring myself to do is pray. 
And, in saying that, I want to end this with a song that couldn't explain this any better. 

Farewell my ex's, farewell from today 'till forever.

                                         Kesha - Praying

[Verse 1]



[Verse 2]



Oh, sometimes I pray for you at night
Someday, maybe you'll see the light
Oh, some say, in life, you're gonna get what you give
But some things only God can forgive

I hope you're somewhere prayin’, prayin'
I hope your soul is changin', changin'
I hope you find your peace
Falling on your knees, prayin'

I hope you're somewhere prayin', prayin'
I hope your soul is changin', changin'
I hope you find your peace
Falling on your knees, prayin'

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

No Longer the Side Chick

I really don't know where to begin as there is a lot on my mind.

For one, I'm overwhelmed. No, I'm exhausted...I'm tired.

I'm tired of being tugged and pulled in every direction and my emotions consumed by those around me. I feel taken advantage of, not appreciated for who I am, belittled, and forgotten about.

At this point, I feel so many things that it seems I am emotionally shutting down.

It feels good one day, the next it hurts. Then the very next day, I am confused as to what I am feeling or rather what I should be feeling. I really don't know what I should be doing and if the things I do are effecting the way I am feeling. What could I potentially be doing to relief some of this confusion?

Should I wait? Should I put my entire life aside for them? Should I wait with no guarantee in the end that will make my time waiting all worth it? Time is ticking by and I don't want to waste my life away emotionally investing myself into someone I don't end up with in the end.

Ultimately, I don't want to be anyone's sideline, side chick, side friend, canceled plan, or fail safe. I don't want to be anyone's second choice.

To anyone in my life currently, it is because I WANT you to be. Not because I need you but rather because I love you, care about you, and, for the most part, because I feel you make my life better in some way or another.

I'm sad at the moment. I have been for a while now but I'm hoping that will change soon. I don't believe it will be too difficult to relief some of this stress but, at the same time, I also don't necessarily see an end to it anytime soon as I'm not completely sure of how to change it.

Recently, I've been processing my emotions - letting them settle in but now, I am venting and being real - letting my emotions come to the light and be seen.
   As I process what's going on, I've come to realize that by being the side chick, I've been putting myself front and center in someone else's pain and setting myself up to play a starring role in my own.

Coming to this realization, I have wondered if I'm the only one but I know I'm not because Jesus walked the earth as a man and had every single emotion there is to feel.
  To think of all the times, all the places he's been, and of all the things he did of the course of his time on earth....I cannot begin to imagine how many times he put in everything he had mentally, emotionally, physically, and whole heartedly and not recognized for it.

He's almighty, All Powerful, Magnificent, King of all Kings, Healer, and the Reason we are alive today, and yet, He is still rejected, cursed, belittled, shoved down, and taken advantage of each and every waking day.

In that simple thought, I know that I am not alone nor have I ever been alone. And neither are you.

With Jesus, my feelings of  "I don't want to be anyone's sideline, side chick, side friend, side plan, or fail safe. I don't want to be anyone's second choice" becomes something completely different.

With Jesus you will never be his sideline, his "side chick", his side friend, his side plan, or his fail safe. You will never be his second choice. Jesus is your best friend. Jesus is your number one and you, YES YOU,  are His number one.

Love and best wishes,

The Girl Next Door

Monday, April 24, 2017

Nightmare Made Into Reality

    It was a dark night, not just dark skies but there was a spirit of darkness...or rather, fear.
I like to explain it as playing laser tag out in the woods. 
    It was dark, a little scary as I could hear the wind as it makes it sound by it's rustle of the trees. Each step I took there was a crunch beneath my feet and I slow my breathing trying to conceal it's sound in order to capture my prey.
     I giggled and slipped a screech as my friend came up behind me joining me in my hiding spot. I then take off running, with a skip of joy, as I spotted my opponent but, before I could hide, it happened.


Before I knew what was happening, I flew back as a gunshot hit me straight to the forehead.

Before I continue, I want to introduce this quote that explains everything.
"Nothing is as bad as it seems at the time nor is nothing as good as it seems." 

Okay, Back the story.

I really don't know how to explain it - It hurt like hell but yet I somehow managed the strength to get on my feet and walk to the nearest emergency kit. I walked in, pulled out the First Aid Kit, but for some reason instead of digging further, I was compelled to look in the mirror.

It...really wasn't THAT bad.

So, being as stubborn as I always have been, I take one last glance at it, wipe away my tears and continue on with my evening.

I'm spending my time with the ones I love. My family and a few certain coworkers who have become friends of mine.

Here I go, some call me crazy, others call me insane and yet others tell me I'm stupid for my choices.
That doesn't stop me though.

I hopped up and ran out of that house and continued on with my evening playing laser tag.

It was a dark night, not just dark skies but there was a spirit of darkness...or rather, fear.
I like to explain it as playing laser tag out in the woods. It was dark, a little scary as I could hear the wind as it makes it sound by it's rustle of the trees. Each step I took there was a crunch beneath my....

Sound Familiar? You're not tripping - just bear with me.

....feet and I slow my breathing trying to conceal it's sound in order to capture my prey.
I giggled and slipped a screech as my friend came up behind me joining me in my hiding spot.
I then take off running with a skip of happiness as I spotted my opponent but before I could hide then it happened.


Before I knew what was happening, I flew back as a gunshot hit me straight to the forehead.
I really don't know how to explain it - It hurt like hell - well, actually, not so much this time.
Although, I knew I was injured so I went inside to check out my injuries. This time, instead of the first aid kit, I went straight to the mirror.

I was still me. I had a hole in my head but that was it. I still had my sparkling eyes, my smile, the love that filled my heart, and best yet...I still had hope and strength,

It...really wasn't THAT bad. It actually hurt less this time because I knew that I had been through it once, now twice, and yet I am still okay!

You know what I did?

That's right, I got back up and did it again. You know why? When life closes a door, you don't give up, you keep on knocking!

Life is full of opportunities, lessons, and best yet, God's plan for me and my life! 

God isn't torturing you when he allows life to give you a "gunshot" to the head. It's more or less, a lesson to learn and to grow from, ultimately, allowing you to become you are meant to be.

Keep fighting. Don't give up.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas: a Season of Tinsel, lights, and Glee....or is it?

  Today I imagine myself 12 years ago. I was 8 years old, a smile on my face, and not a care in the world as I pounce across the room and plop on the floor next to the Christmas tree.
I lie on the floor and look up at the circling as the ornaments and lights reflect off the walls, windows, and across the room. I take a breath of fresh air with a smile on my face as I hum along to the light chorus of Christmas music in the background.
My hand reaches for a reindeer striped gift-

wrapped box with a pretty bow to top it off. I shake it and I listen to the rustle and tussle it makes inside. I begin to imagine the numerous things it could be in that little head of mine. 
I loved Christmas, still do. Christmas is all tinsel and lights, music and glee, little Jesus, presents and cookies. Or is it?
That's what I used to believe, that's what I wish. But, unfortunately, for some individuals, couples, and families, Christmas is Everything BUT happy. 
Some have lost a loved one - some physically, others maybe mentally, emotionally or spiritually. 
Others struggle to pay their bills yet alone feel the pressure to buy a gift for those they love and care about the most. Yet others Christmas has always been a time of stress and I could name so many more instances this rings true.
The point is, be gentle this Christmas season. 
Say thank you to that cashier because she's been holding back her tears all day. 
Allow that man to go ahead of you in the checkout line, his wife just lost her job.
Give that crying little boy a smile, he hasn't slept in days as he pukes everything he eats.
Have patience with that student who seems like she doesn't care, things is, underneath that sweatshirt she's wearing, she has sliced herself as she struggles with depression and self harm.
And be gentle to the young gal, she's raising her kids alone as her boyfriend has been away for over a year as he serves in the military. 
Everyone has a story beneath that smile, frown, and tear.
Be gentle this Christmas season and most of all pray for those around you especially those you love.

To those struggling this Christmas season, hold on. You're not alone and we'll get through this together. <3

Friday, September 23, 2016

Believe In Yourself Not Your Circumstance

You know what's beautiful? Read the first word again.
No, seriously, God made us the way he wants us to be and there could never be a more beautiful you.
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "You don't understand, I am overweight/underweight, and I'm nothing close to being a Hollister model or on the cover of a magazine." or so on.
Before you go on,...stop. Because that's not what I'm talking about.
Don't get me wrong, you were made with such amazing care. Your skin, your body, you hair, and your smile...all of it. It's all just perfect. I'm not just talking about your physical being though, I'm talking about your heart and who you are deep down inside.
Your heart, your personality, and your beauty inside is what's most important.

I am reminded of this song that goes like this, "There could never be a more Beautiful You. Don't buy the lies, disguises and hoops they (the world) makes you jump through. You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do; so there could never be a more beautiful you!" - Jonny Diaz

I don't care if you weigh 85 pounds or 500, what matters is your heart.

The other day, as I was browsing the internet, I ran across this quote that says, "As long as one and one is two there could never be a father who loves his daughter (son) more than I love you.".

The way I read it is like God saying it to me. God is my, and your, heavenly father, and no one else ever will ever love us more than he loves each and everyone of us.

No matter who you are, what your size, what color your hair, or how many mistakes you've made in your life...Jesus, our father in heaven, loves you just as much and more today than he did yesterday and even before you made those mistakes, gained those extra 5 pounds, gotten a DUI, and so on.

What really matters is if you
BElieve in
 Be you. Believe in yourself.

A really good friend of mine is going through a hard time currently and one of the things he said was "I can't." Not only did he say it once but I'm sure he said it a good 5 to 6 times in the very same sentence.
My take on that is if you are looking at your past and your current circumstances and allowing them to be the judegement of who you believe you are, how you look at yourself, and what you are capable of, than that needs to change.
My pastor recently said, "If you believe you can't, you're absolutely right. You can't. But when you believe that you can...You bet you can! You could conquer the entire fricking world man!"

Another month, another year, another smile, another tear, another winter and another summer too but there could never be another you. So whatdya say? I'd say being you is the best you could do.

It's not a physical appearance or a problem based on your circumstances nearly as much as it's about your state of mind and especially your heart.

Where's you heart? Is it focused on God and who He sees you as? If not, you may want to re-examine yourself.

Best of wishes, love, and prayer,
The Girl Next Door

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

I Am the Definition of Imperfection

I am not perfect.
Surprise! Well, to anyone who knows me, it's really not much of a surprise. I mean, I'm 5'4', carry a few extra pounds, and I defiantly don't have a model body by any stretch of the imagination.
I'm still a teen and am having to go to physical therapy.
I'm moved out, support myself, but I struggle to pay the bills and, when I do, I have little to no money left over.
I have such a small savings in my banking account some would hardly consider it a start.
I have two low paying jobs.
I haven't gone to college, don't go to college, and don't know when I will nor what I will go for, not to mention, how I will afford it when I do.
I struggle with trusting God. I dont always do as he says is right. I turn my back on him and do things my way.
I struggle with sin. Some more than others but when I struggle with this one particular sin, it effects my future and is currently effecting my present time of being.
I wear my heart on my sleeve. Which can be good but I am very trusting and sometimes naive, as some would say.
I feel strongly. I love much. And I am and all-in or a all-out kinda person. There's no in between.
I could go on and on but soon enough I would probably bored you to death.
But to be honest...I'm ashamed with myself. Not who I am now but who I used to be and how my decisions in the past are effecting me today and how they will effect my future.
Ilay in bed at night, staring at the ceiling and I bawl as I cry out to God. I wish I didn't do those things...
But the point is, I am beyond perfect. No, seriously...literally, I mean that and can't stress it enough that I am not perfect and will never make it even remotely close to reach that standard.
There are days, such as today, where I lay my head in my hands that collect a puddle of tears as I bawl and wonder and ask God over and over and over if there's hope for me.
If I will ever achieve my dreams. If a man will ever think I will be worth the fight. If I will be able to not only have a family but have a job that will be able to support my family. If, one day, I will be able to pay my rent or my phone bill or buy groceries without having to budget every single thing to the last penny.

But guys...listen.
The one thing that needs to be remembered after this is all of a sudden and done with is that even though I, and you, am not perfect, Jesus thinks we are to die for. No matter whether anyone on this world will be willing to fight for me and you, there's one who has already won the battle for us. And that is Jesus.

No matter how low of a self-esteem you have about yourself (or high self-esteem for that matter) the one thing we all have in common is short-comings, sin, and imperfection.
I'm telling you straight up, whether you one of my family members, friends, acquaintances, a future friend or family member, or a complete stranger...the one thing, and only, I know for sure that I have to offer is Jesus. My heart for Jesus is beyond measuring. And that, my friends, is my only hope in what will get me through every circumstance this world has to offer.

If nothing else, leave on this note from His word itself:
2nd Corinthians 12:9 states: "But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me"

I say this with tears rolling down my face.....Jesus loves me. It seems so simple but it's so beyond anything a person could understand.
All of these imperfections and sin and all of my weakness and, yet, Jesus has chosen to love me through the thick and thin.

Jesus, needs to be our first love and our forever love. And, until that happens, you will never realize how special you truly are nor will you be able to offer what you were truly made for. No one will ever be able to replace Jesus. Not family, and especially a boyfriend or girlfriend. Afterall, if Jesus is the definition of love and you don't know him nor that you are perfect and loved in Jesus's eyes, how could you ever love the same?

Think about that.
Singing out for now.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

He's Got Your Back

I was recently discussing a serious matter with a friend of mine where both of us had very strong thoughts and feelings involved in the certain decision.

I asked a question that I only wanted to hear one answer to, and, of course, the answer that came forth was the answer exactly the opposite of what I wanted to hear and it felt like it came too soon as I emotionally broke down.
The conclusion was something I had assumed would be, but I still teared up after doing my best to mentally and emotionally prepare myself beforehand.
I was sad, upset, and hurt too, but, at the same time, and even though, it wasn't what I wanted to hear, oddly enough, it was exactly what I wanted to hear. It seems weird, but what I wanted to hear ultimately came down to one thing: honesty...and that's exactly what I got.

With all of this being said, I want to give you one thing to take away from all of this.

My response to my friend, with my less than attractive dripping nose, tears streaming down my face, my throat closed tight, and my hands trembled in an effort to express the thoughts bottled up inside me, I calmly and confidently stated, "...through all of this, there is and lesson, a reason, and a plan.".

And that, my friends, is why I say to never regret anything. You can apologize or feel sorry for something, but to say you regret it is where you make the mistake. The reason I say that is no matter what it is that you could regret, you can also learn from.
There are so many things in life to be sad, hurt, angry, upset, and disappointed about but they all have one thing in common....opportunity. Yes, you heard me right. Remember my statement from earlier? I'll repeat it. "Through all of this, there is a lesson, a reason, and a plan.".

Next time someone or something, somewhere down the line, gives you something you don't want, take it and go with it! Whether it's a repercussion due to a bad decision, something didn't go as you planned, something happened (or didn't happen), or something is taking longer than you had hoped for, make sure to lighten up, relax, and go with the flow. Because, "Through all of this, there is a lesson, a reason, and a plan.".

Remember, just like you have once trusted your friend to catch you during a trust fall, God has got your back in the very same way. Allow him to work in his wondrous ways and be amazed! I guarantee that the next time you experience a moment of confusion, frustration, or hurt, and look up to God and just trust him, you will not regret it. It may take a while, but you will eventually reap the harvest and it will be plentiful of so much more amazing things than you ever thought possible.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord your God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but, in all your ways, acknowledge him and he will make your path straight.