Monday, April 24, 2017

Nightmare Made Into Reality

    It was a dark night, not just dark skies but there was a spirit of darkness...or rather, fear.
I like to explain it as playing laser tag out in the woods. 
    It was dark, a little scary as I could hear the wind as it makes it sound by it's rustle of the trees. Each step I took there was a crunch beneath my feet and I slow my breathing trying to conceal it's sound in order to capture my prey.
     I giggled and slipped a screech as my friend came up behind me joining me in my hiding spot. I then take off running, with a skip of joy, as I spotted my opponent but, before I could hide, it happened.


Before I knew what was happening, I flew back as a gunshot hit me straight to the forehead.

Before I continue, I want to introduce this quote that explains everything.
"Nothing is as bad as it seems at the time nor is nothing as good as it seems." 

Okay, Back the story.

I really don't know how to explain it - It hurt like hell but yet I somehow managed the strength to get on my feet and walk to the nearest emergency kit. I walked in, pulled out the First Aid Kit, but for some reason instead of digging further, I was compelled to look in the mirror.

It...really wasn't THAT bad.

So, being as stubborn as I always have been, I take one last glance at it, wipe away my tears and continue on with my evening.

I'm spending my time with the ones I love. My family and a few certain coworkers who have become friends of mine.

Here I go, some call me crazy, others call me insane and yet others tell me I'm stupid for my choices.
That doesn't stop me though.

I hopped up and ran out of that house and continued on with my evening playing laser tag.

It was a dark night, not just dark skies but there was a spirit of darkness...or rather, fear.
I like to explain it as playing laser tag out in the woods. It was dark, a little scary as I could hear the wind as it makes it sound by it's rustle of the trees. Each step I took there was a crunch beneath my....

Sound Familiar? You're not tripping - just bear with me.

....feet and I slow my breathing trying to conceal it's sound in order to capture my prey.
I giggled and slipped a screech as my friend came up behind me joining me in my hiding spot.
I then take off running with a skip of happiness as I spotted my opponent but before I could hide then it happened.


Before I knew what was happening, I flew back as a gunshot hit me straight to the forehead.
I really don't know how to explain it - It hurt like hell - well, actually, not so much this time.
Although, I knew I was injured so I went inside to check out my injuries. This time, instead of the first aid kit, I went straight to the mirror.

I was still me. I had a hole in my head but that was it. I still had my sparkling eyes, my smile, the love that filled my heart, and best yet...I still had hope and strength,

It...really wasn't THAT bad. It actually hurt less this time because I knew that I had been through it once, now twice, and yet I am still okay!

You know what I did?

That's right, I got back up and did it again. You know why? When life closes a door, you don't give up, you keep on knocking!

Life is full of opportunities, lessons, and best yet, God's plan for me and my life! 

God isn't torturing you when he allows life to give you a "gunshot" to the head. It's more or less, a lesson to learn and to grow from, ultimately, allowing you to become you are meant to be.

Keep fighting. Don't give up.


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